Riordan, R. (2008). The maze of bones. New York, NY: Scholastic Inc.
Summary: At their grandmother’s funeral Dan and Amy Cahill discover they are members of one of the most powerful families in the world. Now they face a decision: compete against other members of the family to search the world for the 39 clues that will unlock the family’s fortune, or, walk away with a cool million each. Of course the orphans elect to join the race. There wouldn’t be much of a story if they hadn’t. Realizing early on that they can trust no one, the brother and sister duo navigate their way through a whole slew of harrowing adventures. Maze of Bones is the first of what will eventually be 10 books in a series, and, as the first book out of the gate, it does exactly what it’s supposed to: whet the reader’s appetite just enough so he wants to come back for more.
Read-Alike: If you enjoyed Maze of Bones, check out the other books in the 39 Clues series, One False Note, The Sword Thief, Beyond the Grave, and The Black Circle.
Discussion Questions:
1. Dan and Amy had a choice to make. Which option would you choose? Why? Why do you think they chose the option that they did?
2. Like many brothers and sisters, Dan and Amy have their share of conflicts. Explain how the two of them work well together.
For more information about the author, check out www.rickriordan.com or www.the39clues.com.
This is a book I have been dying to read. I know my 5th graders loved it this year. This seems like one of those book series that would appeal to boys and some of our reluctant readers out there. I am very excited for you in your new position next year. I hope to stay in touch with a fellow "new" media specialist :)